Upcoming Schedule

Next Episode: SATURDAY MARCH 27, 2010 3:30 PM EST
Special Guest Event: Scott Cullen (TSN.ca)

To listen live click here: Photobucket


phone: 718-664-9597
AIM: hockeynightli

HNLI on Twitter

Friday, November 21, 2008

HNLI Website Updates

As you may have noticed, we made some changes yesterday to the Hockey Night on Long Island website. One major change is that there is now an upcoming schedule section which is located directly above the blog posts. Now, you can just go to this site, www.hockeynightonlongisland.com, and click on the "Tune into Hockey Night on Long Island" button to listen to HNLI Live Saturdays at 3:30 PM EST. Also, the first item on the sidebar is a Blog Talk Radio media player to listen to the recent episodes archived. You can subscribe to the RSS for this site via Email, Skype, AIM, Microsoft Messenger, Twitter, and Yahoo Messenger, through Feedblitz. To subscribe, type your email address in the Feedblitz widget on the sidebar. Alex and I hope you enjoy the new website. Remember to tune into HNLI tomorrow at 3:30 PM EST.

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