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Next Episode: SATURDAY MARCH 27, 2010 3:30 PM EST
Special Guest Event: Scott Cullen (TSN.ca)

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Webb20 Joins HNLI Saturday

Of all of the places that Isles' fans have to come together and talk hockey, few compare to NYIslanderscountry.com. So, needless to say, it is extremely exciting that Nick DiMattei, the big cheese at NYIC, will be making a special guest appearance on Saturday's episode of Hockey Night on Long Island. Not only will the master of the message boards tell us about what it's like to run a big time Islanders forum, but he will also to hosts Alex and Steve about the latest in New York Islanders hockey. As usual, the trio will take phone calls and IMs from listeners and the HNLI chatroom is sure to be buzzing. Be sure to tune in for another awesome episode of HNLI this Saturday, 12/15, at 3:30 PM EST.

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